Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Colin – Battlecry 2014

So last weekend the whole crew Craig, Chris and I, went on our inaugural 1300km round trip to Battlecry 2014 in Auckland's ASB centre.

We had tried to go the previous year but work got in the way. So it was only now we got to personally introduce the Auckland gaming scene to Skirmish Sangin.

Well to put it briefly we had a ball. This was a chance for us to test out our more mobile terrain; we are taking to SALUTE 2014 and a chance to introduce a whole new batch of wargamers to our skirmish goodness.

To say that we had a warm reception is an understatement. We sold out everything we took on the day and managed to play 4 great games. 

Unfortunately it was a hard day for the Taliban as they suffered 4 pretty decisive losses but as always winning or losing in Sangin is fun regardless with everyone entering into the spirit of the Narrative game.

We even had our first female player, way to go Eloise, you kicked Taliban butt. I would like to say how refreshing it was to see so many women players at Auckland, obviously still heavily out-numbered by the guys, the girls put up a great show, with many of them playing in tournaments.

So if your in NZ and want to go to a great wargames event ,keep your eyes out for Battlecry 2015, it worth the drive. We will be back.

I thought I would share some of the images below:

 The first 4 show the board from each edge.

Chris and Craig show a young lad how to play.
Kiwi's hiding behind a wrecked tank

Kiwi house to house search

 Kiwi advising a civilian to take cover
 Taliban Infiltrate the village
 Taliban Infiltrate the village


  1. Looks great guys, glad you to here how well received the game is, best of luck for Salute. Someday we will have to get you lot to Southern Canada for either Hotlead or Kegscon. (you guys can play while I host).

  2. That would be great and if it keeps taking off like this who knows.


  3. Hey Colin

    Great catching up with you Craig and Chris on the weekend. I had a blast. Ive put up a quick review on my blog and have started painting my figs. I'm having trouble finding out what colour the the the kiwi's webbing is. Any help much appreciated.

    Mark :)

    1. I went with a couple of colours of body armour when I painted the ones for the pictures on the website,

      - Desert Kit- Vellejo Middlestone, GW Nuln Oil, Middlestone
      - Green Kit- Vallejo- Luftwaffe Camo Green, with splotches of German Grey and German camo Medium Brown

    2. Thanks Chris. I finished my first fig. check it out on my blog, id love some feedback.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Lol sorry.

  4. Hi Mark,
    Craig here - I use Vallejo Khaki Grey or Vallejo British Army Uniform. These are a bit dark but otherwise they get lost and I like the difference. I have some images I can share with you - send me an email craig.watterson@vuw.ac.nz

  5. G'day Colin.

    Glad to hear it went well for you guys.
    Hope things are bigger and better at Salute.

  6. Great game table, and really happy to see "Skirmish Sangin" being a success.
    But poor Talibans...

  7. Looks like a fantastic event gents - the table looks great.
