This blog is to support the Skirmish Sangin Community. Its where we will share our thoughts, After Action Reports and additional information to make playing the game an even better experience.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Free scenario - DAY OF THE DÊW* - A Skirmish Sangin scenario with a difference
So Halloween is not far way and here at RDDP HQ we thought it was time we released the DÊW* for all of you movie aficionados out there.
Let us introduce the Hunter, an alien from a galaxy a far far way... oops, no that's another movie, these chaps range through the universe looking for... well lets just say they are big game hunters, looking for the toughest prey... and this time they have arrived in Helmand. Anyway I am sure you will get the inference.
*DÊW is Pashtun for Devil
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support throughout the year and wish you all a happy Halloween and if Halloween's not your thing, we hope you enjoy the scenario anyway. Now just got to work out the armour value of Santa's sleigh for the Christmas freebie.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Free Scenario 8 - Missile Hunt
Ok well this one took a while longer that it was supposed to... This was supposed to be September's free scenario but with illness in the team and trying to sort out our Kickstarter as well as both of us holding down full time jobs everything seems to be slowing down. But enough excuses we hear you say! So without further ado, here is the Missile Hunt Scenario.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Impressive terrain from Spain
Aaron Motilla is a superb modeller who has built this gorgeous terrain. He is also a Skirmish Sangin fan. More of his work van be seen here although all in Spanish, Google translates a fairly good job and there are tons of great images to see what he does and how he does it.
More of his work can be sen below, he even has working street lights.
Way to go Aaron and thanks for sharing this on the Skirmish Sangin forum: